

Fandom goer, shy author, and inconsistent part-time artist. Proud member of the "Block and Move On" gang. A tired "problematique". I use blockchains. Beware spoilers for all types of media!
Please, no Fandom Cops/Fantis/SAPs/""""Normal People (tm)""""/whatever name you like. Lets be civil.

Before you say I or anyone else is hurting you/myself/other people for liking problematic fiction: I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for what has happened to you, but I didn't hurt you. I have nothing to do with you. Chances are I don't even know you. You don't have to like what I like. You don't have to cope the same ways I do. But I am not responsible for your, or your friends, or other peoples trauma.
The only people to blame are the people who made the decision to hurt you.


  • Occasional or not, if you are under 18 years of age please leave. Repeat offenders will be blocked.

  • Let's get this out of the way- I don't have the time, energy, or tolerance to fight over fictional characters. They are dolls meant to be played with; they are not and will not ever be real, they have no rights, and trying to "protect" them is a giant waste of time. What you do with fiction is not the ultimate moral-indicator. The earth is dying, real people are getting hurt every day, and we all have better things to do.

  • I have many names, here you can call me Carpii. I have no set pronouns so use what you like. The "Freak of Color" thing comes from a racist comment by PassionPeachy (yes, that artist).

  • I rarely tweet, and when I do it's almost surely not my full thought. I retweet though. A LOT.

  • Please be patient with me, I'm not always around. If I'm locked you may send me a follow request. If you want me to unfollow it's fine... Nothing personal.

  • I really like angst and complex relationships. I'm not a very picky person. Switching is good.

  • Despite being marked 18+, you probably won't see me post nsfw art. You may see retweets.

  • I am just about everywhere.


My twitter may contain any amount of the following (generally highest to lowest):

  • Copious amounts of fan art

  • Video games!

  • Memes

  • Fandom Analysis + 'discourse' aka Fandom Wank

  • Illustrated pornography

  • Politics (Typically U.S.)

  • Gore art

  • Fictional dark themes & taboos (angst, character death, fictional incest, trauma art, self-harm, etc.. Note it's purely in regards to fiction)

Gore art will have warnings where I can help it.
If you do not like any of these, I do not recommend following.

Ships/Charcter Pairs

  • I basically ship everything under the sun. Here are some favorite ships 好きなCP. Romantic or platonic, All is good.

  • Nothing bothers me much. 地雷がない。あれはすべてリバーシブルです

Devilman (デビルマン)Akira/Ryo (明了)
MOTHERKumaDust (クマトラ×ダスター)
MOTHERLucas/Ness (リュカ×ネス)
MOTHERLucas/Claus (リュカ×クラウス)
MOTHERPorky/Ness (ポーキー×ネス)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (遊戯王)Kaiba/Yami (海闇) or Kaiba/Atem (海アテ)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (遊戯王)Yami/Yugi (闇表)
YOI (ユーリ!!!onICE)Victuuri (ヴィク勇)

More Info

This page will be updated as time goes on.If you are blocked, it's either because

  • You are under 18

  • You were harassing and/or suicide baiting someone

  • You've promoted hate speech

  • You're a radical feminist (TERF, SWERF, other)

  • You're antisemitic/nazi, white nationalist/supremacist, racist, anti-LGBT+, or otherwise bigoted

  • Our opinions are so different that I took the liberty to prevent us future conflict

If this doesn't seem right, chances are you were caught in a block chain. Send me a DM and we'll talk.

Note: If I get a one-off thing notification of a minor browsing my profile, whatever; some of my comments are in the open and most the time my profile's clean anyway.
But if I notice they keep interacting with my tweets, they're getting blocked. If I find out they made an alt to follow me it's a block.
If you know someone under 18 interacting/following me, please privately message me so I can block them.

Please be kind to others. We are all human, and naturally flawed.Yes, fiction affects reality and vice versa. But psychology & sociology is complex, and the relationship of fiction/reality is not 1-on-1. I think the discussion about this is really important, however the current discourse is way too volatile. No one wants to be hurled with insults when they're talking.I've seen too many "call-outs" made out of incomplete/altered information and petty squabbling that I'm very suspicious of them. I want hard proof. Also, if you have proof that, for example, someone is running a fascist group, I'd like to see that first.The hand of censorship does not discriminate.If you believe that someone can be bad enough that they deserve to suffer from others and be told to die, then no matter who it is- you believe that harassment can be justified. Live with those consequences.There seems to be a growing- though thankfully still small- mindset that members of the majority are all responsible for the suffering of the minority. While every little action can have an affect on a broad scale, it's important we look at a person individually. Give fair assessments and don't be patronizing when educating others. Aggression and condescension pushes people away.Did you know that many asexuals participate in kink? Kink can give pleasure without necessarily being or involving sex.Spudbugs are really cute

Oh boy!!

You found the secret page. Well done!

The future is OK

The future is OK